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How to Apply


1. Applicant Qualification:

     Applicants must be nominated by our contracted partner universities. Coordinators of partner universities, please email the application documents to em34000@email.ncku.edu.tw.

2. Application Documents:(PDF, <20MB in total)

    (1) Application form with a passport-sized photo (Download   / )

    (2) Latest official transcript in English 

    (3) Autobiography 

        *An autobiography could consist of a short statement about yourself along with your resume, 
          with a preferable focus on your academic path.

    (4) Study plan 

    (5) Recommendation letter (dated and signed by the referees)

        *Documents should include the referees' names and titles in print.

    (6) Bank statement issued by a bank or financial institution 

        *A financial statement is required to verify that the student has at least 100,000TWD 
          available for one academic year or 50,000 TWD for one academic semester to support
          his/her exchange program financially.

    (7) Certificate of Enrollment (including the month of enrollment)

    (8)I.D. page of passport

    (9) Certificate(s) of English language or Chinese language proficiency 

3. Important Dates:

     Please submit application documents by the following deadlines:

     Fall SemesterApril 15 for enrollment in the Fall Semester (September - January) 

     Spring SemesterOctober 30 for enrollment in the Spring Semester (February - June)

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